Saturday, October 6, 2012


I have to wonder if this drug is not raising my mood.  I have been extremely cheerful and content since I started taking it last Wednesday.

It could also be the fact that I am sleeping through the night that keeps me happy.

I am sniffing like crazy -- it being a windy time of year.  I think it was hotter today than people expected it to be.  75 degrees is very hot to me.  We are going to hover around there until Thursday.  and Thursday we are expected to hit 69 degrees.  Keep going down!!

Worked out at the gym after work.  Got my core work done in between sets on the weight machines.  Makes me nervous.  I get on a machine and do my 15 reps and then get off the machine go down to a mat and do some core work.  I am doing core work AFTER EACH SET on ALL MACHINES.

I don't want to be a machine hog.  I really am uncomfortable holding on to machines like this.  However, the funny thing is, if I just sat on the machine between sets like I usually do, I would be on the machine even longer.

On and off and on and off. 

Well, I have gotten through it twice since Lexi taught me ... and I am aware of others needing the machine ... I let them "play through."

Wrote a friend in my Memoir class to see if she could print out the pieces we are to read this week.  I can then transfer my notes to these pages and hand --  to each author  -- some feedback.

I would feel more invested in the class if I could do that.

Not sure if going to take the second leg of this class or not.  I will see how full the class is when I go in on Monday.  Maybe that will help me to decide.

I think:
$190 for class -- first
$150+ for Armani -- second
$150 for printer -- third

$100 goes to dentist next month.   That solves that.

I am just feeling so guilty about Armani and his mats.  Plus I am not sure the total of what that will cost.  The vet house call + exam will be $150.  And then what?  I guess we evaluate him and figure out how to get him to the vet (so he can be carefully sedated) or if they can shave him here.  There will be a part two to this process ... not sure how much that will be.

There.  I have made up my mind.

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