Thursday, October 18, 2012

Back In Action

Whew!  That was a week that just flew by -- on here, but not in my life.

I got very sick Friday night and by Saturday morning it was clear I could not go to work.

I don't know if I have ever been that sick.  I thought it was a sinus infection I was so choked with flem.  I sniffled a lot but when I would try to blow my nose nothing would come out.

Saturday night I found some Musinex in the kitchen cupboard.  Yea!!  It helped me clear things out a bit so I could sleep.

I called Lonesome's Pizza but was told they don't deliver to my area anymore as they have moved.  I couldn't figure out what to do.  It always helps me to completely carbo load when I am sick.  It gives me strength and I seem to feel better sooner.

I was in bed on my cell trying to figure out which pizza place to patronize.  Then I would get up and have to go online on my laptop so I could see their menus.

Finally decided on HOT LIPS.  It was damned good.  Got a cheese pizza and some pesto-basil breaksticks.

I was still very sick.  Could not breath.  No idea how I was going to make it through the night.

All I remember is waking up early Sunday morning and freaking out cuz I felt so bad.  It wasn't getting any better.

I called in sick and then downed some Dayquil I found in the cupboard under the bathroom sink. I had to go get supplies.

Saturday night I had also called NEW SEASONS to see if they delivered food.  I guess they used to.  It was just a guess.

The manager said that they could gather my groceries together and charge them and then hand them to a ready and waiting Radio Cab.  I called Radio Cab and it would only cost me $10.  But I couldn't get it all together in my mind.

Propped myself up -- under the wings of over the counter cold relief -- and drove to the store.  It felt great to be out amongst the lliving.

I got a JUST roasted chicken.  They knew I was waiting and they gave me the first one they got out of the oven.  I got Dayquil and Nyquil.  A small bag of chocolate cookies with salted caramel.

I had some chicken when I got home.  The rest of the day was pizza leftovers and cookies.  Gotta get a reward for being sick.

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