Thursday, October 18, 2012

Back In Action

Whew!  That was a week that just flew by -- on here, but not in my life.

I got very sick Friday night and by Saturday morning it was clear I could not go to work.

I don't know if I have ever been that sick.  I thought it was a sinus infection I was so choked with flem.  I sniffled a lot but when I would try to blow my nose nothing would come out.

Saturday night I found some Musinex in the kitchen cupboard.  Yea!!  It helped me clear things out a bit so I could sleep.

I called Lonesome's Pizza but was told they don't deliver to my area anymore as they have moved.  I couldn't figure out what to do.  It always helps me to completely carbo load when I am sick.  It gives me strength and I seem to feel better sooner.

I was in bed on my cell trying to figure out which pizza place to patronize.  Then I would get up and have to go online on my laptop so I could see their menus.

Finally decided on HOT LIPS.  It was damned good.  Got a cheese pizza and some pesto-basil breaksticks.

I was still very sick.  Could not breath.  No idea how I was going to make it through the night.

All I remember is waking up early Sunday morning and freaking out cuz I felt so bad.  It wasn't getting any better.

I called in sick and then downed some Dayquil I found in the cupboard under the bathroom sink. I had to go get supplies.

Saturday night I had also called NEW SEASONS to see if they delivered food.  I guess they used to.  It was just a guess.

The manager said that they could gather my groceries together and charge them and then hand them to a ready and waiting Radio Cab.  I called Radio Cab and it would only cost me $10.  But I couldn't get it all together in my mind.

Propped myself up -- under the wings of over the counter cold relief -- and drove to the store.  It felt great to be out amongst the lliving.

I got a JUST roasted chicken.  They knew I was waiting and they gave me the first one they got out of the oven.  I got Dayquil and Nyquil.  A small bag of chocolate cookies with salted caramel.

I had some chicken when I got home.  The rest of the day was pizza leftovers and cookies.  Gotta get a reward for being sick.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thursdays FREE

Today is my official day of NOTHING.

Last night the neighbors across the landing from me moved out!!  Oh no!!  Richard (manager) does a lousy job of screening tenants.  I think he is lazy and just takes the first applicants.

That is not good for the rest of us residents.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Sometimes when I come home and my cats are here to greet me, I think, "CATS!  I am so lucky.  I actually have cats!!!"

I thank them every day.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Another Perfect Day of Rest

After three days of a heavy schedule (work + gym or class + gym) this little CFS sufferer needed a rest.

I skipped my Chronic Conditions workshop in favor of bed!!

Was up about an hour (got up at 1pm) and realized it was Herbie's birthday. Called him and sang to him.  Then we talked about an hour.

Turned on Judge Judy and watched her 'til 5.

Then cuddled down for a serious nap. 

Got up around 7:30.  Had dinner.  Watched Raising Hope. 

Called my friend, Hope, who was sleeping off a cold.  Just left a message on her machine.

Tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment at 10 (need to be there by 9:45 to check in ) and I am a little unhappy about it.  I made it to see Dr Buckley -- a follow-up to my RLS appointment last week -- and they have changed it to a different doctor, Dr DeVoe (or something like that).

They said, "Don't worry.  Dr DeVoe is on the same team as Dr Buckley," as if that would make it all better.

I would cancel but I need to pick up a prescription.   

From there I might go to the gym.  I would have time.

I will probably get home at 11:30 and my next doc appointment (gyno) is at 3:30.  Meaning I would have to leave here at 3.  But I think I still need to take it somewhat easy -- I am going to the gym Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

Good night!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Continuing Education

Decided to sign up for the second session of the class last night; paid today.

Gotta work hard work hard on the next piece I hand in.  Not sure if it will be my second draft of MOTHERS DAY 2008 or the FOOD PANTRY piece.

Probably won't sign up for the third session ... Armani needs to be taken care of.  I have planned his activity (lol) for November.

May cancel dentist appointment and push back to December so I can have that $100 a little bit longer.

How did I go from $1300 to $200 in savings .. in one month?

Oh well, there are certain characteristics of ourselves that we will have to go through again and again in this lifetime.  Mine is trying to hold onto money.

Sunday at WESTERN PET SUPPLY was great!  Wendy and Marcia really noticed my weight loss (!).  Almost 20 down .... 15-20 more to go.

They both asked what I was doing, what my secret was:
the gym
eating clean

My diet is only 80% Paleo.  The other 20% (though it might only be about 10%) I indulge myself in maple sugar candy and diet cokes.  Bread, every now and then, is OK but I notice I really don't eat all that much bread.

Sweet potatoes are a great grounding substitute.

Yogurt is OK -- greek yogurt, high in protein, and I still have cream in my coffee (which Paleo books say is OK) and milk in my lattes.

The lattes are my biggest offender -- though I only have about 2 a week when I am working.

Maybe 3.

lil miss coco chanel is wrapped up at my feet on the comforter I have curled up under my desk for such as occasion.  I am content.

I love this feeling.  Even sat in the quiet for a long moment.

Wed I see my primary care physician.  Will talk to her about sprained tongue.  Maybe it is an allergic reaction to something.

I also see my gyno that day.  A follow up pap smear to the two abnormal pap smears.

Tomorrow is my Chronic Conditions workshop.  Then the gym.

Wed (I have yoga) and Thurs are my days off.  Thurs is my complete good off and rest day.  No gym, no doctors appointments that day.  Thurs free forever.

A Happy Monday

Class was good.  Tongue still sprained.

I think I have figured out a way to still use my printer .. even though it will not print black.

Just select all the text and change the font color to blue.  My blue ink cartridge seems to work just fine.

Saturday, October 6, 2012


I have to wonder if this drug is not raising my mood.  I have been extremely cheerful and content since I started taking it last Wednesday.

It could also be the fact that I am sleeping through the night that keeps me happy.

I am sniffing like crazy -- it being a windy time of year.  I think it was hotter today than people expected it to be.  75 degrees is very hot to me.  We are going to hover around there until Thursday.  and Thursday we are expected to hit 69 degrees.  Keep going down!!

Worked out at the gym after work.  Got my core work done in between sets on the weight machines.  Makes me nervous.  I get on a machine and do my 15 reps and then get off the machine go down to a mat and do some core work.  I am doing core work AFTER EACH SET on ALL MACHINES.

I don't want to be a machine hog.  I really am uncomfortable holding on to machines like this.  However, the funny thing is, if I just sat on the machine between sets like I usually do, I would be on the machine even longer.

On and off and on and off. 

Well, I have gotten through it twice since Lexi taught me ... and I am aware of others needing the machine ... I let them "play through."

Wrote a friend in my Memoir class to see if she could print out the pieces we are to read this week.  I can then transfer my notes to these pages and hand --  to each author  -- some feedback.

I would feel more invested in the class if I could do that.

Not sure if going to take the second leg of this class or not.  I will see how full the class is when I go in on Monday.  Maybe that will help me to decide.

I think:
$190 for class -- first
$150+ for Armani -- second
$150 for printer -- third

$100 goes to dentist next month.   That solves that.

I am just feeling so guilty about Armani and his mats.  Plus I am not sure the total of what that will cost.  The vet house call + exam will be $150.  And then what?  I guess we evaluate him and figure out how to get him to the vet (so he can be carefully sedated) or if they can shave him here.  There will be a part two to this process ... not sure how much that will be.

There.  I have made up my mind.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Another Great Day!!

Not to sound redundant but ... what another great day!!

You know how when your mood is positive and relaxed.  Everything feels right.  Everything feels good.

I started out getting up way to early this morning (7) for an 8:30 dental appointment.  I got there early .. the dentist was late.  She didn't get there until almost 9 ... having no idea Denise (receptionist) had scheduled her an early morning 8:30: me.

Got double polished, double cleaned, "pressure washed" and a lot of painful scraping of plaque/tartar time.

Came home -- instead of going to gym (it is a marathon .. not a sprint) -- and talked to Hope, then took a nap.

Just did my roots (7:54pm) and am sitting here letting the color take.  Tried on my purple appliqued jeans and .. THEY FIT!!

I bought them October 2009 when I had first lost a good amount of weight.  Here I go again!

Hopefully I can stay on track, get down to 145 and STAY THERE with consistent work outs and 80% Paleo eating.

Tomorrow I work at ANIMAL HOUSE in Milwaukie and then WESTERN PET (with the pissy Daman) on Sunday.

Working out both days after work, Monday after class and Tuesday after the workshop.

My printer is dead .. my cat is matted ... the registration for the 2nd Memoir class looms .. and I am just not sure where to put my $200 (+)

I like writing emails better than blogging cuz with emails at least I get some back and forth and someone is actually reading what I am writing.

But I will try to keep this up.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Sprained Tongue?

I think I sprained my tongue when I took that fall Thursday last week.

I really hurt myself tripping over a bump in the concrete.  I slammed down onto the ground chin first.  I scraped both my knees through my thick jeans.  Two hispanic women sat chatting in a car and had front row seats to my spill.  Neither offered support or asked if I was OK.

Friday, the next day, as I was driving to my p/t job, my breath was bugging me so I put a piece of gum in my mouth and chomped away.  A few seconds later I felt something hard in my gum.  I took the piece of gum out of my mouth and saw this huge sugar-colored cube that had jagged edges.  That jagged edged surprise turned out to be a porcelain filling the gum had sucked out of my jaw.

I started getting really freaked out about me swallowing.  I was really conscious of swallowing and would try to do so too early -- before the appropriate amount of moisture had collected in my mouth.  I would force myself to try to swallow right after I had swallowed.  It was impossible -- there was no saliva there to help me complete the movement. 

That would freak me out, too.  What if I never could swallow when I needed to?  I would suck water through the roof of my mouth and my tongue.  I never put the two together ... that:
1) the fall may have caused the filling to loosen (chin bruised on left side of face, filling popped out on left side lower)
2) the fall, perhaps, causing my tongue to sprain.

The pain wakes me up at night.  lol ... my tongue ... pain .. waking me up.  Weird.

Do not google "swollen tongue;" it will tell you you have cancer.

Don't think that wasn't already on my mind.

I am content sitting here at my laptop with Maxi running around in the butcher paper he so loves.  He likes to hide his toys under the paper and then discover them again ("prey!") so sometimes he will scoot along the long paths of paper, pawing underneath for a toy or two.

Man, I love that cat.

I also love lil miss coco chanel and Armani.  Coco is the perfect cat.  She loves being a cat.  I call her my Happy Little Dancer.

Armani is my Troubled Poet ... he is such a sweet cat but was abused as a kitten so he reacts mostly out of fear -- esp if anyone tries to put him in his carrier.  But he is a complete love bug and comes in and cuddles with me at night when I am in my bed.

Max Factor is interesting.  He is a little chatterbox and he always needs to be near me.  When Sheryl and I were driving up from LA (did it in one night!!), Maxi had been in his carrier for HOURS (over 12 at that point) so I let him out.  Carefully.

He got up on the console between us, put his front paws on the top of the dashboard and stood there tall and proud watching the road greet us.  Brave kitty.

Wish I had taken a picture of it.  It is a beautiful memory.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Actually slept last night!!  Have not been able to sleep the past few nights due to RLS (Restless Legs Syndrome -- stupid name!  Just like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.  Sounds like so much imagined bull shit).

The urge, the twitch, the tingle makes it impossible to stay still.  Started in my legs about 5 years ago.  Remember sitting in my chair at my desk at IndyMac Bank and having my boss, Shelley, talking to me about something and I couldn't sit still.  I kept squirming but the feeling would not be sated. 

It was so random.  Do not remember it happening much until 2008 when I was at Roger and Charlotte's and Charlotte and I were watching late night TV.  Twice that I recall I would just stretch and squirm.  So stupid.  Frustrating.

Then I moved here and they symptoms got worse -- environment or RLS just getting worse (tends to get worse with age).

Finally RLS got so severe it started affecting my arms.

On Sunday I texted my friend Kris -- whom I have known since 1984 when we were pages at NBC together -- because I remembered her saying something about RLS.

She texted me back that evening with the name of a product (Restful Legs) that you can get over the counter.  I took so many Monday night I started having vision problems (everything was gray with black through it and white holes through which you could see various views of my bedroom from my bed).

Woke up Tuesday with a horrible headache, sensitivity to light and nausea.

Took Mirapex last night and, boy, do I feel great today!

It is 63-degrees and windy in Portland today.  Enjoying just sitting here at my laptop, surrounded by cats, writing.

I have found that when I work (Fri - Sun, usually), I have no time to blog.  I go to the gym after work so I get home at 7:30 or 8 and am beat.  Just enough energy left to make dinner and go to bed.

I will see how this plays out.