Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Actually slept last night!!  Have not been able to sleep the past few nights due to RLS (Restless Legs Syndrome -- stupid name!  Just like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.  Sounds like so much imagined bull shit).

The urge, the twitch, the tingle makes it impossible to stay still.  Started in my legs about 5 years ago.  Remember sitting in my chair at my desk at IndyMac Bank and having my boss, Shelley, talking to me about something and I couldn't sit still.  I kept squirming but the feeling would not be sated. 

It was so random.  Do not remember it happening much until 2008 when I was at Roger and Charlotte's and Charlotte and I were watching late night TV.  Twice that I recall I would just stretch and squirm.  So stupid.  Frustrating.

Then I moved here and they symptoms got worse -- environment or RLS just getting worse (tends to get worse with age).

Finally RLS got so severe it started affecting my arms.

On Sunday I texted my friend Kris -- whom I have known since 1984 when we were pages at NBC together -- because I remembered her saying something about RLS.

She texted me back that evening with the name of a product (Restful Legs) that you can get over the counter.  I took so many Monday night I started having vision problems (everything was gray with black through it and white holes through which you could see various views of my bedroom from my bed).

Woke up Tuesday with a horrible headache, sensitivity to light and nausea.

Took Mirapex last night and, boy, do I feel great today!

It is 63-degrees and windy in Portland today.  Enjoying just sitting here at my laptop, surrounded by cats, writing.

I have found that when I work (Fri - Sun, usually), I have no time to blog.  I go to the gym after work so I get home at 7:30 or 8 and am beat.  Just enough energy left to make dinner and go to bed.

I will see how this plays out.

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